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近日,冰球突破召开学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育总结大会。Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of the university, presided over the conference and made a concluding speech。


Jinnuo, head of the 54th Central Steering Group, attended the meeting and gave a speech。


Zhang Jun pointed out that,开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,是党的二十大作出的重大部署。Thematic education has been carried out for 5 months,Under the guidance of the 54th Steering Group of the CPC Central Committee,Party organizations at all levels of the school and the majority of party members and leading cadres closely around the Central Committee of the deployment,Close to the fundamental task of Lide tree people,Comprehensively and accurately grasp and implement the general requirements, objectives, tasks, methods and measures of thematic education,With a high sense of political responsibility and mission of The Times, we should grasp the theme education,The solid development of thematic education as a firm support for the "two establishment", resolutely achieve the "two maintenance" of the practical action,As the full implementation of the Party's 20 spirit,Effective measures to promote the integrated deployment of "education, science and technology, and talents",Adhere to the theoretical study, investigation and research, promote development, review and rectification, the establishment of rules and systems organic integration, as a whole,Promote the whole school party members and teachers to learn to cast the soul, to learn to increase wisdom, to learn the right wind, to learn to promote dry,Thematic education has achieved solid results。

Zhang Jun pointed out that,Theme education since the development,The Party committee of the school adheres to the theme education to lead the right direction, firm ideals and beliefs, build a strong body, and temper the excellent style,Closely around the requirements of high-quality development,Forge powerful "cohesion",Run out of development 'acceleration',Transform the results of thematic education into actual results that lead and promote the development of the cause。First, independent training and green education,The training of first-class and top-notch talents has reached a new level;Second, we need to provide strategic guidance and anchor the frontier,First-class scientific and technological innovation and innovation;Third, deepen the mechanism,Plant rich soil,First-class talent team to increase new advantages;Fourth, classified development,Focus feature,The construction of first-class disciplines reached new heights;Fifth, we need to make timely plans and cooperate in practical ways,New progress has been made in first-class foreign cooperation.Sixth, innovative management and wisdom empowerment,A first-class governance system has taken on a new look。Through continuous promotion of thematic education to go deep and practical,All Party members and teachers received a comprehensive and profound theoretical armed, political education, ideological training, spiritual baptism,Party members and teachers deeply feel,Condensing the heart and casting the soul to build the foundation,The ideological foundation was further consolidated;Build character and strengthen loyalty,The political foundation has been further consolidated;Work hard and play a role in promoting development,Further melting and casting of the foundation of the business;Practice the purpose for the benefit of the people,The base of the masses has been further strengthened;Establish a new style of honesty and public service,The base of style is further optimized。

Zhang Jun stressed,全校党员干部要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,We will fully and thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,Accurately grasp the new tasks and requirements of the Chinese-style modernization for the construction of a powerful education country and the reform and development of higher education,We must continue to promote the exercise of thought,进一步用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,Improve the work system of equipping the minds with the Party's innovative theory and educating teachers and students;We must continue to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities,Further use the concept of system to drive the coordination of Party organizations at all levels,Establish and improve an organizational system and a work system that are connected from top to bottom and effectively implemented;We must continue to work on our mission,To lead and promote the high-quality development of the school cause with high-quality party building,Efforts should be made to improve the high-quality personnel training system, scientific and technological innovation system, discipline construction system, faculty team system, international exchange and cooperation system, and university governance system;We will continue to deepen rectification and rectification,Improve the long-term mechanism of thematic education,Do a good job in the "second half of the article" of thematic education,To ensure that the new weather and new changes brought about by thematic education form a normal state in school work and achieve long-term results。It is necessary to sum up, learn, inherit and carry forward the experience of thematic education, constantly improve the quality of construction of world-class universities with Chinese characteristics, unswervingly follow the "red road of education", "strong military to serve the country" and "innovative development", and continuously contribute to the great cause of education and national rejuvenation。


All members of the 54th Steering Group of the CPC Central Committee, all school leaders, former school leaders, all members of the Party Committee, all middle-level leaders, representatives of teachers, representatives of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation, representatives of retired staff and students attended the meeting。